Sunday, January 4

New updates

Two things happened today. Obamma laid her first egg today, about the same color and size of stephanies. Puff puff crowed for the first time also, his right eye is still closed and he had a cold. I've been giving him antibiotics and he seems to have more pep in his step,( saw him strut yesterday) so maybe he's getting better!!! We now have 3 hens laying, 1 rooster crowing, 1 chicken (halfbreed) is neither laying or crowing(don,t know why) and 4 quail eggs in the incubator!!! (We'll see!!!) Halfbreed looks like she has a case of leg mites so I'm going to have philip catch her and we'll put vaseline on her legs and it should clear it up!


  1. Wow, chickens sound like a lot of work

  2. Not at all when you enjoy it!!! I messed up and got chickens from another source(not going to mention name,not a hater) Now I will always order chicks!! Thats how we got puff puff and chickzilla. The other 3 we got elsewhere. Stephanie and obamma are healthy. Bamma mamma had an airsac infection and died. Halfbreed has leg mites(we're taking care of her now). We're going to get about 20 more pullets ia a month or 2 along with some other fowl(big word).


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getting big,doing fine


less than a day old

duck is happy

duck is happy
our duck enjoying the new grass

new grass

new grass

george,chickzilla and puff puff

george,chickzilla and puff puff
obamma in back out of site

Not yellow anymore

Not yellow anymore
duck is white now and a whole lot heavier

Duck fitting right in

Duck fitting right in

Guinea and dominiques

Guinea and dominiques


pic by philip

Our 2 ducks

Our 2 ducks
one is yellow the other is grey and yellow





Halfbreed & Obamma

Halfbreed & Obamma
chicks on the ground with thrir moms

2 golden laced cochins

2 golden laced cochins
here you can see feathered feet

buff orpington 24 days old

buff orpington 24 days old

white silkie 24 days old

white silkie 24 days old
got 3 out 5 left so far, wasp and coon got the other2

buff cochin 24 days old

buff cochin 24 days old

think they are hungry????

think they are hungry????

golden laced cochin 24 days old

golden laced cochin 24 days old

starting to eat

starting to eat
a barred rock pullet starting to eat

chicks in brooder

chicks in brooder
chicks huddled up together try to get warm

Halfbreed and obamma

Halfbreed and obamma
sitting on eggs and chicks

halfbreeds and obamma's chicks

halfbreeds and obamma's chicks
their chicks are 7 days old now

chicks in box

chicks in box


stephanie fixing to peck the camera

chickens on roost

chickens on roost

getting ready to go night night

getting ready to go night night