Saturday, December 20


Bought the kids a very small incubator to see some eggs hatch, got 4 cortunix quail eggs. Going to take 17 to 18 days to hatch. We'll see what happens!!

Puff puff

Well puff puff has gotten an eye infection,in his right eye. I started giving them antibiotics today,started all of them on it in case it's catching. Her right eye is closed,can't see anything wrong. Will keep posting updates.

Big Mistake!!!

OOOOhh!!!! I made a big mistake. It's not halfbreed laying the eggs,it's stephanie!! Yes, i looked ( not going to explain that!!) Guess i should have looked a whole lot sooner!!! Ya think!!

Monday, December 8


we lost one of our chickens last week, I think she was older than we thought she was! Say farewell to bamma mamma, she was our barred rock. Look for some more chicks like her this spring!!

Sunday, November 30


Well looks like halfbreed is an egg laying machine, she's up to an egg a day (very good in the winter). Have a picture posted of three of her eggs and on the right is a store bought egg.We'll watch and see how long she'll keep it going!!

Wednesday, November 26

First egg

Halfbreed laid our first ever egg today. It was light tan colored and small cause she's a banny. Philip our youngest son was very excited. Now we'll have to see who's next??

Tuesday, November 25


Chickzilla is a buff orpington hen and is the same age as puff puff. She is very calm and friendly and is a pretty large chicken due to her large amount of feathers. She is philip's hen, my youngest son. we plan on getting some more this spring. She will lay large brown eggs,and is not quite old enough to lay yet.

Monday, November 24


Now have a picture of stephanie,i named her after stephanie mcmahon off of wrestling. She is pretty calm and likes her neck scratched.Obama was named by my wife and is a little younger than stephanie,you can tell by her wattles.Obama is very skittish and will fly the coop if you get too close, but will come back later! They both have brown feet and will lay colored eggs.Obama is black with a blue or green sheen according to which way the light is hitting her and light brown around the neck.Stephanie is about ready to start laying but may hold off till the days get longer in the spring. You can maintain proper lighting to make hens lay but we're in no hurry,letting them get some more size on them.

Sunday, November 23


Now you can see what puff puff looks like. You can see his turqoise ear lobe. Halfbreed is also a silkie but her earlobes are not as bright as puff puff's. They are bantams which are a little smaller than a regular chicken and are a rare breed. They have black skin and are not feathered like other chickens, more like a cats fur. Puff puff is about 4 months old, don't know how old halfbreed is but she is supposed to have brooded chicks before.We are going to get some more bantams this spring!!It's not easy caring for baby chicks in the winter,cold weather and rain make it hard especially when you are trying to keep a steady 90 degree temp for the first couple of weeks.Oh my wife named these 2 chicks,just wait, it gets better!!!

Saturday, November 22

New chicks

This is our first chicks before they were attacked in the middle of the night. We lost 11 that night, probably to coons. We had just moved them from the brooder to the hen house. They were buff orpingtons, white silkies, white sultans, and two Americanas. White sultans are show birds only. They lay white eggs. Buff orpingtons lay brown eggs and the Americanas lay "easter eggs", not to be confused with an aracuna, which is a rumpless chicken. After the raid, we ended up with two sultans, which were roosters. We traded them for hens. The one Americana rooster, Macho Man, was very mean so we traded him, too. We have one buff orpington and one white silkie left. The white silkie has turqoise earlobes. Look for the picture of Puff-Puff--yes, my wife named it. Now, we have added a barred rock hen, one unidentified, and one half silkie chicken to our collection. A motley crew! So now we have a mix of six hens.

Hello Everybody

Everybody has been asking about our chickens, how they are doing, what they look like, how to raise them. I will be keeping ya'll informed with pictures, tips, and stories of how things are going here in our neck of the woods. Hope you enjoy the blog!
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getting big,doing fine


less than a day old

duck is happy

duck is happy
our duck enjoying the new grass

new grass

new grass

george,chickzilla and puff puff

george,chickzilla and puff puff
obamma in back out of site

Not yellow anymore

Not yellow anymore
duck is white now and a whole lot heavier

Duck fitting right in

Duck fitting right in

Guinea and dominiques

Guinea and dominiques


pic by philip

Our 2 ducks

Our 2 ducks
one is yellow the other is grey and yellow





Halfbreed & Obamma

Halfbreed & Obamma
chicks on the ground with thrir moms

2 golden laced cochins

2 golden laced cochins
here you can see feathered feet

buff orpington 24 days old

buff orpington 24 days old

white silkie 24 days old

white silkie 24 days old
got 3 out 5 left so far, wasp and coon got the other2

buff cochin 24 days old

buff cochin 24 days old

think they are hungry????

think they are hungry????

golden laced cochin 24 days old

golden laced cochin 24 days old

starting to eat

starting to eat
a barred rock pullet starting to eat

chicks in brooder

chicks in brooder
chicks huddled up together try to get warm

Halfbreed and obamma

Halfbreed and obamma
sitting on eggs and chicks

halfbreeds and obamma's chicks

halfbreeds and obamma's chicks
their chicks are 7 days old now

chicks in box

chicks in box


stephanie fixing to peck the camera

chickens on roost

chickens on roost

getting ready to go night night

getting ready to go night night